Maxwell Biography
Maxwells have helped shape our modern world. Some have risen to fame
and glory whilst other's life work has passed unnoticed. These biographical
notes are but brief glimpses into the lives of some of our more noted
Maxwell kinsmen.
The Maxwells here are just some of those that have come to the notice
of the author. This is not the definitive biography of the Maxwell family,
merely an insight into Maxwell kinsmen who have left their mark in history,
be it good or bad. The author is aware that there are many omissions
of deserving Maxwell kinsmen from this section, they will be added to
these pages in time.
Readers are invited to submit biographies of Maxwell relatives and ancestors
who are suitable candidates. There is a page for living Maxwells, so
if you know of Maxwells deserving of note, please submit details to
the webmaster.