The Maxwell GenealogyForum

Title: Re:Re:George Washington Maxwell of Wilkes and Haralson Co. Ga.
Posted by: David Lyle Wood
Date: 14 January 2003

Debbie,sorry for the late reply.I have been in the process of moving into my new home in the big city of Lowell Ga.
I don't know if my gggrandfather had a brother named Monroe.It is very likely though.One of George's sons was named Monroe.
Monroe was born in 1868.
any information on the Maxwell's would be appreciated.


Title:Date:Posted By:
George Washington Maxwell of Wilkes and Haralson Co. Ga.23 February 2001David Wood
     Re:George Washington Maxwell of Wilkes and Haralson Co. Ga.12 April 2002Debbie Sanders
          Re:Re:George Washington Maxwell of Wilkes and Haralson Co. Ga.14 January 2003David Lyle Wood
     Re:George Washington Maxwell of Wilkes and Haralson Co. Ga.30 September 2003Jim Maxwell
     Re:George Washington Maxwell of Wilkes and Haralson Co. Ga.16 November 2007Collier Maxwell

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