The Maxwell Forum

Title: Re:Who is the Maxwell this is named after
Posted by: Ann Kilgore
Date: 29 April 2001

My father, Howard Thomas Maxwell, who died on December 9, 1996 was an educator.  He was a leader in the area of Vocational/Technical education and was the principal of the vocational technical school in Gwinnett County Georgia until his retirement.  In May of 1996, they renamed the school.  It is now the Maxwell High School of Technology.  His line of Maxwell's are from the Stephens County, Georgia area.


Title:Date:Posted By:
Who is the Maxwell this is named after29 April 2001Anthony Maxwell
     Re:Who is the Maxwell this is named after29 April 2001Ann Kilgore
          Who is the Maxwell this is named after10 May 2001Anthony Maxwell
          Re:Re:Who is the Maxwell this is named after03 June 2001Jim Maxwell

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