The Maxwell Forum

Title: Re:Re:Who is the Maxwell this is named after
Posted by: Jim Maxwell
Date: 03 June 2001

Ann -

Very interesting.  I thought MY father was the only Maxwell with a Georgia school named for him.  He was Superintendent of Schools in McDuffie County  for 28 years, and the newest school in the county was named for him just after his death in 1982 - J.A. Maxwell Elementary School, in Thomson, Georgia.  We donated some memorabilia from his career in education - including the plaque he received when inducted into the Georgia Educators' Hall of Fame - and it is displayed in the foyer of the school which bears his Maxwell name.


Title:Date:Posted By:
Who is the Maxwell this is named after29 April 2001Anthony Maxwell
     Re:Who is the Maxwell this is named after29 April 2001Ann Kilgore
          Who is the Maxwell this is named after10 May 2001Anthony Maxwell
          Re:Re:Who is the Maxwell this is named after03 June 2001Jim Maxwell

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