The Maxwell GenealogyForum

Title: Re:Maxwell line in Ohio
Posted by: Malcolm Maxwell
Date: 27 September 2009

Hi, This is a long shot but One of my ancesters lived in southern Ohio during the early 1800s.  He was Thompson Maxwell who served as a soldier in the French and Indian War, the Revolution and in the War of 1812.  After the Revolution  he moved to southern Ohio where his first wife Syble Wyman died.  He married again (twice) and finally died at the age of 90  and is buried near Detroit.  Outside chance  we have common ancesters.  Although you think your people came directly from Scotland, I have it on good authority that my Maxwell line came from Northern Ireland  settling near Boston in the early 1730s.  (I am experienced enough in gen. resaerch to take family stories with a grain of salt at least sometimes.) Thompson I, Thompson Jr. Thompson III, Theodore, Floyd, MIlton, Malcolm, and our son John.It is possible that one of the male Maxwells from the previous generations also moved to Ohio about that time. If any of this "rings a bell" please email me directly. And even if it does not let me know.  Thanks.  Malcolm.


Title:Date:Posted By:
Maxwell line in Ohio11 September 2007Jody K. Maxwell
     Re:Maxwell line in Ohio13 September 2007Everett E. Maxwell
     Re:Maxwell line in Ohio28 September 2007Fr. Dwight Lynn Dowson
          Re:Re:Maxwell line in Ohio02 September 2010lotta prather
               Re:Re:Re:Maxwell line in Ohio26 December 2010Daniel L Maxwell
     Re:Maxwell line in Ohio15 November 2007david maxwell
     Re:Maxwell line in Ohio13 September 2009mary
          Re:Re:Maxwell line in Ohio22 October 2010Phil maxwell
     Re:Maxwell line in Ohio27 September 2009Malcolm Maxwell
     Re:Maxwell line in Ohio15 November 2009Peggy Kay
     Re:Maxwell line in Ohio23 February 2013Maggi Fortner
          Re:Re:Maxwell line in Ohio28 September 2013Everett Maxwell

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